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[INVITATION] 5th China SIF Annual Conference - 5 December 2017, Beijing

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Update time : 2017-11-21 17:20:00

5th China Social Investment Forum Annual Conference

World Trends and China's Practices


Organized by


Host: Guo Peiyuan    

Chairman, SynTao Green Finance; Chairman, China Social Investment Forum


Part I   Opening Speeches

9:00 – 9:30       


Ma Jun               

Chairman, Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking

Chen Chunyan   

Vice Secretary General, Asset Management Association of China

Liu Chuankui      

Vice Secretary General, Insurance Asset Management Association of China

Lorenzo Saa 

Director, Networks and Global Outreach at UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)


Part II   Keynote Speeches 

9:30 – 10:15     


ESG Investment Concept with Chinese Characteristics

Ma Xianfeng      

Vice Director, China Institute of Finance and Capital  Markets

Deputy Director, Green Finance Committee, China Society for  Finance and Banking


Sustainability Fuels the Long-term Development of Corporations

Mark Mills         

Partner, Generations Investment


Part III  Roundtable Discussion: ESG World Trends and China’s Practices

10:15 – 11:15   


Moderator: Luo Nan            

Head of China, UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)



Emily Chew       

Managing Director, Global Head of ESG, Manulife Asset Management

Wayne Silby      

Chairman, SynTao

Co-founder, Calvert Fund

Brian Cahill       

Managing Director and Global Executive Sponsor, ESG Initiative at Moody's Investors Service

An Guojun         

Associate Researcher, Financial Research Institute at  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Deputy Director, China SIF

Vice  Secretary General, Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking

Duan Guosheng

Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Taikang Insurance Group

CEO, Taikang Asset



Part IV  Launch of SynTaoGF – CaiXin ESG50 Index

11:15 – 12:15   


SynTaoGF – CaiXin ESG 50 Index is based on SynTaoGF - Caixin ESG Evaluation System. This system evaluates environmental, social and governance (ESG) performances of listed companies based on publicly available information. It supports investors to identify best companies in China from the ESG perspective.


Launch speech

Zhang Xiang       

CEO, Caixin Media


Introduction of the ESG 50 Index

Zhang Rui          

Managing Director, SynTao Green Finance


Roundtable discussion

Representatives from listed companies of ESG 50 Index constituent stocks


12:15-12:20  Group Picture and Close of Morning Sessions


Part V   Panel Discussions

14:00 – 15:30  Panel 1: Product Innovation on Green Finance for Institutional Investors

Moderator: Ge Xing’an        

CEO, China Emissions Exchange (Shenzhen)

Secretary  General, Shenzhen Green Finance Committee, Financial Society of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

Keynote Speeches

Developments in the International Green Bond Market (15 min)

Sean Kidney      

CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Innovations of Green Finance Products in China (15 min)

Chen Yaqin        

Division Chief of Green Finance Department, Industrial Bank

Roundtable Discussion

Liu Wei              

Deputy Director, Bond Market Department, Shanghai Stock Exchange (TBC)

Jin Biao              

Director of Institutional Sales Department, Shanghai Colight Asset Management Corporation Limited

Huang Chaoni   

Director, Green and Sustainable Solutions, Investment Banking, Asia Pacific Natixis

Sean Kidney      

CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Chen Yaqin        

Division Chief of Green Finance Department, Industrial Bank


14:00 - 15:30  Panel 2: ESG Information Disclosure of Listed Companies                        

Moderator: Kong Wei          

Convenor of the Lujiazui Financial City Green Finance Committee in Shanghaii

Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm

Keynote Speeches

ESG Trends in Global Stock Exchanges

Elodie Feller      

Program Officer, Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative

ESG Report Analysis of Listed Companies in China

Liu Tao              

Partner, SynTao

ESG Disclosure of Listed Companies

Tian Ming          

CEO and Chairman, Landsea Group

Roundtable Discussion

Qin Erwa           

Researcher, China Institute of Finance and Capital Markets

Jon Edwards     

Chief Representative, Beijing Office, London Stock Exchange Group (TBC)

Huang Anping   

Research Associate, Research Institute of Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Elodie Feller      

Program Officer, UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative (SSE)

Liu Tao              

Partner, SynTao

Wang Guoping  

Director, Research Department, China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd

Qin Jun              

Vice General Manager and Board Secretary, Muyuan Foods Co., Ltd.


15:30-15:45       Tea Break


15:45 – 17:15   Panel 3: ESG Integration in Asset Management

Moderator:  Xu Xiuling           

Senior Vice President, CreditEase

Director, China SIF

Keynote Speeches:

How to integrate ESG Factors in Emerging Markets

Emily Chew         

Managing Director, Global Head of ESG, Manulife Asset Management

Value Investment and Socially Responsible Investment

Natasha Buckley  

Senior Manager, Investment Practices, Private Equity at Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Roundtable Discussion

Tessa Tennant       

Former Non-Executive Director of Green Investment Group

Natasha Buckley   

Senior Manager, Investment Practices, Private Equity at Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

Ricco Zhang           

Director, Asia Pacific at International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

Flora Wang             

Vice President, BlackRock Asset Management (Hong Kong)

Jin Hainian              

Chief Research Officer, Noah Holdings Limited

Kou Riming             

Senior Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer, U.S.-China Green Fund


15:45 – 17:15  Panel 4: Sustainable Business: Responsibility Creates Investment Value

Moderator: Li Guowei                      

CEO, Visionwe Consultancy

Keynote Speeches

Philanthropy and Sustainable Business

Xu Yongguang              

President, Narada Foundation

Strategec Planning for Sustainable Development of Corporates

Peng Feili                      

Vice President, Volk*swagen Group China

Roundtable Discussion

Terry Mollner                 

Director, Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc.

Sydney Amara Morris    

Director, Calvert Investment Management, Inc.

Kuang Ji’nan                 

Deputy Director, Hanfor Holdings Co., Ltd

Ma Libo                         

Secretary General, Beijing Jingdong Charity Foundation

Guo Yi                           

Professor, School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University


17:15 Closing of the Annual Conference


The 5th China SIF Annual Conference is part of the 2017 China SIF Week. Please see below for programs of China SIF Week.


To register, please click here or scan QR code.

You will receive more information including venue location after your registration is approved.

Participation is free of charge. 


For more information, please contact Ms. Ariel Xu Hui

Secretary-general, China Social Investment Forum


Telephone +86 10 58699466