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[INVITATION] 4th China SIF Annual Conference - 6 December 2016, Beijing

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Update time : 2016-12-01 18:14:00

4th China Social Investment Forum Annual Conference
Catching the Green Finance Wave: the Role of Investors

Time: December 6, 2016 (Tue)
Venue: Beijing Merchantel Hotel (No.2 Xibianmenwai Street, Xicheng District)

Establishing a green finance system, which is included in the 13th Five-Year Plan, has already been a national strategy for China. Green Finance was also the new highlight in 2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou. The sustainable development of green finance is closely related to the systematical reform of the capital market, especially the change of investment philosophy. The fourth China Social Investment Forum (SIF) invites regulators, investors and other key stakeholders to discuss:

       - What role investors will play in catching the green finance wave?
       - Are investors in China ready?
       - How to establish a green investor network in China?
       - How can international investors participate in the development of green finance in China?



Green Finance Committee, China Society of Finance & Banking
National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII)
Insurance Asset Management Association of China (IAMAC)
SynTao Green Finance
China National Financial Information Network
UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (SSE)
UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)



Opening and keynote speeches

Moderator: Guo Peiyuan      Chairman, SynTao Green Finance

9:00-9:10 Opening speech 1: Establish a green investor network in China
              Ma Jun                       Chief Economist, Research Bureau, People’s Bank of China

9:10-9:20 Opening speech 2: Promoting green bonds in China
              Feng Guanghua        Vice Secretary General, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors

9:20-9:30 Opening speech 3: Promoting green investment in insurance industry
              Cao Deyun                Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Insurance Asset Management Association of China

9:30-9:45 Keynote speech 1: Investing in a green future: practices of PRI
              Sagarika Chaterjee   Associate Director, Policy and Research, UN PRI

9:45-10:00 Keynote speech 2: Encouragement for green investors from stock exchanges
              Anthony Miller        Focal Point for Corporate Social Responsibility, UNCTAD

10:00-10:30 Tea break

10:30-10:50 Keynote speech 3: Green Investment Practice of Deutsche Asset Management
  Priscilla Lu                Managing Director and Head of Sustainable Investments Asia, Deutsche Asset Management

10:50-11:10 Keynote speech 4: Green Investment Practice of AIFMC
              Yang Yuebin                     Fund Manager, AIFMC Green Investment Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF), Aegon-Industrial Fund

11:10-11:30 Keynote speech 5: The development of green fund in China
              An Guojun                 Associate Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Banking; Deputy Secretariat, China Society of Finance & Banking

11:30-12:15 Q&A
              Moderator: Guo Peiyuan      Chairman, SynTao Green Finance

12:15-14:00 Lunch break


Parallel Discussion

14:00-15:30 Parallel discussion 1: Fast growing green bond market: a perspective of investors
              Co-host: Climate Bonds Initiative & Orient Minerva
                            Raymond Zhang              Managing Director, SynTao Green Finance
                            Xia Yang                     Vice general Manager, Orient Minerva Asset Management Co., Ltd.
                            Sean Kidney              CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
                            Xu Guang                   Executive Director, Financial Innovation Promotion Dept. NAFMII
                            Ricco Zhang            Director, ICMA Asia Pacific
                            Huo Zhihui                Deputy Director, Rating Technology, China Bond Rating Co., Ltd.
                            Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (TBC)

14:00-15:30 Parallel discussion 2: Sustainable stock exchanges and ESG disclosure
                            Chen Zhouyang        Chief Editor, Green Finance Channel, China National Financial Information Network
                            Wang Junxian           Researcher, China Institute of Finance and Capital Markets (CIFCM)
                            Sun Yan                     Research Institute, the Shanghai Stock Exchange
                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange (TBC)
                            Jon Edwards             Chief Representative, Beijing Office, London Stock Exchange Group
                            Xu Xiaoling                Chief Editor, CSR Report Editorial Office, CNPC Economics & Technology Research Institute
                            Liu Xia                       Corporate Social Responsivity Dept., China Industrial Bank

15:30-16:00 Tea break

16:00-17:30 Parallel discussion 3: Responsible investor and green shares
                            Kelly Yu        China Representative, UNEP Inquiry
                            Robert Eccles           Chairman, Arabesque Partners; Professor, Harvard Business School
                            Timothée Jaulin        General Secretary for the Sovereign Wealth Fund Research Initiative (SWF RI), Amundi Asset Management
                            Sabrina Zhang          Director, CDP China
                            Caroline Li               Equity Market Specialist, Bloomberg
                            Harvest Fund (TBC)
                            China Universal Asset Management (TBC)
                            China Association for Public Companies (TBC)

16:00-17:30 Parallel discussion 4: Environmental risk assessment and management
              Co-host: ISEAL Alliance, China Water Risk & Rabobank
                            Debra Tan                 Director, China Water Risk
                            Kristin Komives       Impact Director, ISEAL Alliance
                            Bill Yu                        Head of Trade & Commodity Finance, Rabobank
                            Yin Hong                   Deputy Director, Urban Finance Research Institute, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
                            Liao Yuan                  Vice General Manager, CECEP Consulting Co., Ltd
                            Jiang Yun                  China Representative, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Please click here to register the event. Or scan the QR code below.


About China Social Investment Forum (China SIF)
Founded by SynTao Green Finance, China SIF is a non-for-profit initiative that aims to develop a platform in China for investors and other stakeholders to discuss SRI and ESG issues. China SIF invites guest speakers, including professionals from SRI organizations, and representatives from financial market home and abroad, to join online and/or offline discussions about SRI in China.

Green Finance Committee, China Society of Finance & Banking
The Green Finance Committee, set up under at the China Society for Finance and Banking, is a non-legal-person, non-for-profit professional committee dedicated to academic research and coordination of the member institutions. Its mandate covers green finance research, promoting innovative green investment and financing products and services, increasing awareness of green investment among institutional investors, strengthening capacity building, and helping to implement green finance policies.
For more information, please visit:

National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII)
National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors was founded on September 3, 2007, under the approval of the State Council of China. NAFMII aims to propel the development of China OTC financial market, which is composed of interbank bond market, inter-bank lending market, foreign exchange market, commercial paper market and gold market.
For more information, please visit:

Insurance Asset Management Association of China
The Insurance Asset Management Association of China (IAMAC) is founded in September, 2014. It is a national self-regulatory organization of the insurance asset management. Based on the market needs and the industry development, the IAMAC is dedicated to performing the four duties of right-safeguarding, service, innovation, and self-discipline.
For more information, please visit:

SynTao Green Finance
As the one of first sustainable finance consultancies in China, SynTao Green Finance provides comprehensive ESG information analysis, responsible investment capacity building, environmental and social risk management, and green finance product innovation services for investors, companies, governments, academia and civil society. SynTao Green Finance is a PRI signatory, the first China based Climate Bonds Standard verifier, and an observer of ICMA Green Bond Principles.
For more information, please visit:

China National Financial Information Network
The China Economic Information Service (CEIS), affiliated with Xinhua News Agency, is an integration of several Xinhua departments which used to be part of the economic information service. The CEIS is committed to providing quality economic information to its clients worldwide.
For more information, please visit:

Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative
An initiative co-convened by the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, and the UN Global Compact. The SSE initiative invites exchanges globally to become a Partner Stock Exchange within the SSE by making a voluntary public commitment to promote improved ESG disclosure and performance among listed companies. In addition, the SSE welcomes participation from securities regulators, investors, companies and other key stakeholders within its Consultative Group.
For more information, please visit:

Principles for Responsible Investment
PRI works to understand the investment implications of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and to support its international network of investor signatories in incorporating these factors into their investment and ownership decisions. The PRI acts in the long-term interests of its signatories, of the financial markets and economies in which they operate and ultimately of the environment and society as a whole.
For more information, please visit: