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SynTao Green Finance Facilitates the 2015 ‘Green Credit: Training of Trainers on Environmental and Social Risk Management’

Views : 1651
Update time : 2015-01-27 12:25:00

 From 20th to 23rd of January 2015, the first session of ‘Green Credit: Training of Trainers (TOT) on Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM)’ took place in the China Bankers Institute (CBI) Training Center in Lang Fang. The TOT was co-hosted by the China Banking Association Green Credit Committee (CBAGCC), CBI, and International Finance Corporation (IFC).

 The TOT aims to assist Chinese banking institutions to comprehend the impact of recent policies on green credit, especially the Green Credit Guidelines issued by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), so that banking institutions can perform internal personnel training on green credit and better prepare themselves for the challenges brought by ESRM.

 IFC has provided generous support to this TOT session. SynTao Green Finance is invited by IFC as China expert to support course design and to manage the training program.

 The TOT combines latest green credit policies, ESRM theories, and practical skills for trainers, to strengthen capacity building within banks.

 Lecturers from government bodies, banks, consulting firms and international organizations were invited. To name but a few: Mr Ye Yanfei, Deputy Director of Statistics Department of CBRC; Mr Bie Tao, Deputy Director of Department of Polices, Laws and Regulations of Ministry of Environmental Protection; Dr Guo Peiyuan, General Manager of SynTao; and Ms Lin Gengsheng, environmental and social risk management expert of IFC.

 Participants from 16 banking institutions and third-party consulting firms have enjoyed dynamic interaction with the lecturers, such as group discussion, case study, experience sharing, and group presentations. From their feedback, this training session has well combined theory with practice, and the reputed lecturers have given them valuable insights in the field of green credit.

 More sessions of ‘Green Credit: TOT on Environmental and Social Risk Management’ will be organized by CBAGCC and CBI in the near future. Banking practitioners who are interested in green credit and ESRM are very welcome to apply for the coming sessions.