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Green Investment Handbook launched on the Third China SIF Annual Conference

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Update time : 2015-11-11 12:10:00

Green Investment Handbook launched on the Third China SIF Annual Conference

Beijing, 11th November– the UK Green Investment Bank plc (GIB) launched its Chinese version of the Green Investment Handbook on the third China Social Investment Forum (China SIF) Annual Conference “Green Finance and Sustainable Stock Exchange” on November 10, 2015. Mr. Jiao Xiaoping, Deputy Director General of China Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Fund and Mr. Gavin Templeton, the Head of Sustainable Finance at GIB, together announced the Chinese version of the Handbook.

As a practical tool, the handbook is used by GIB on a daily basis to assess, monitor and report the green impact of its investments and the Chinese version of the handbook is also one of the policy outcomes for the UK-China 7th Economic and Financial Dialogue.

The 100 page handbook includes a series of guidelines, checklists and templates, from guidance on due diligence and how GIB assesses risk, to reporting frameworks and details of how GIB gives context to its green impact calculations.

GIB aims to encourage a discussion across the investment community about how investments can be de-risked and further capital can be crowded in to accelerate the transition to a greener economy.

Gavin Templeton, Head of Sustainable Finance at the GIB: “One of the questions most asked of us is ‘how we do green’ at the Green Investment Bank – the handbook answers that. This is our manual, setting out and explaining the practical tools we use day-in, day-out. I hope it will make a significant contribution to the wider movement to improve the standardisation of green impact assessment across the investment community.”

Jiao Xiaoping, Deputy Director General of the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund said “Responding to climate change has been a core part of the CDM Fund and as such I am pleased we are working with the UK Green Investment Bank. Their handbook on green investing is comprehensive yet still an immensely practical guide. It will help to contribute to the low carbon development in China and we are delighted to be promoting it together with the GIB for the Chinese financial institutions.”

SynTao Green Finance and China Clean Development Mechanism Fund both contributed to the translation of Green Investment Handbook. Green Investment Handbook is free of charge, and other institutions can take the handbook as a reference when managing environmental risks and benefits. On November 11, the Green Investment Bank conducted a training course to three consultancies including SynTao Green Finance, Ramboll Environ and WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, aiming to better help Chinese financial institutions to implement environmental risk control and environmental impact assessment.

For full English version of Green Investment Book, please refer to:

For Chinse summary of Green Investment Book, please click here


About SynTao Green Finance

SynTao Green Finance is an independent consultancy promoting sustainable finance in China. With a global vision and rich local practice, we provide consulting, research and training services in ESG risk management, green finance product innovation, and other sustainable finance perspectives. SynTao Green Finance is founded by SynTao, a leading CSR consultancy in China. SynTao is one of the first consultancies to provide consulting, research and training services in the areas of green credit and socially responsible investment (SRI) in China.

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About Green Investment Bank

The UK Green Investment Bank is the first bank of its type in the world. Green Investment Bank were created by the UK Government, the sole Shareholder, and capitalised with an initial £3.8bn of public funds. The bank use this finance to back green projects on commercial terms and mobilise other private sector capital into the UK’s green economy.

For more information, please visit:


About China Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Fund

As a government-funded innovative financing mechanism, the Fund integrates government and market functions to support energy conservation and sustainable development. China CDM Fund operates through grants, equity investment, concessional loans and financing guarantee to help China address climate change and foster low carbon growth. The fund mainly supports the following areas: energy conservation and emission reduction, energy efficiency, new energy and renewable energy.

For more information, please visit:


About China Social Investment Forum (China SIF)

Co-founded by the Securities Times and SynTao Green Finance (a subsidiary of SynTao Co., Ltd.), China SIF is a non-for-profit initiative that aims to develop a platform in China for investors and other stakeholders to discuss SRI and ESG issues. China SIF invites guest speakers, including professionals from SRI organizations, CSR experts, and representatives from financial market home and abroad, to join online and/or offline discussions about SRI in China.

For more information, please visit: